With our phones being used less as devices that make calls and more repositories of message logs, browsing information, shopping picks, plus our hopes, dreams, and Instagram likes, it’s almost impossible not to wonder what’s on your partner’s cell.
One in five people – that’s 19% – have sneaked a peek at their significant other’s phone without permission, according to a YouGov poll of over 1,200 adults. Considering the temptation, that number seems low, but it’s possible more people have learned the hard way to use screen lock by now.
Those who lurk obviously see it as a reconnaissance mission to gather necessary info they can’t get anywhere else – 73% say they don’t feel bad about breaking into their beloved’s phone.
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All too often, their mission turns up results: 33% say their peeking has uncovered evidence of something they were already suspicious of. And 18% were in for an unpleasant surprise, turning up something they hadn’t suspected.
Still, the news isn’t all bad: 45% of Americans say they have never looked through a partner’s phone.
What’s mine is yours
Then there’s the idea of open access: nearly half (49%) of Americans think they should have the right to look at their partner’s cells – only if they ask.
A startling 28% believes that partners should have open access to each others’ phones. A sensible 9% believes that phones should remain private.
Don’t forget what science says – if getting caught going through your partner or friend’s cell phone doesn’t ruin your relationship, odds are it can actually make it stronger.