Editorial Policy

Ladders News is here to serve its audience to the fullest extent  by upholding the strictest editorial policy standards.This includes adhering to strict practices of accuracy in reporting, fairness, transparency and respect. 

All articles published under Ladders News have been fact-checked and only feature trusted sources and other vetted media organizations. All Ladders News articles are carefully edited for accuracy and consistency of our editorial style and voice.


Any articles that include the following will be considered for publication or removed immediately if published:

  • Include statements that infringe upon or violate any law or the legal or equitable right of any person or entity. 
  • Include statements that violate the personal property rights, including intellectual property rights, of others or that any sentence of any article constitutes defamation, invasion of privacy or infringement of any rights of any third person, or is otherwise considered unlawful will be taken down immediately if somehow published.
  • Include statements that are bigoted, hateful, racially offensive, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, profane, or otherwise objectionable. This applies to any images featured on Ladders News as well.
  • Include statements or materials that in any way harm minors.
  • Include statements or materials that impersonate any other person or entity.

Content that includes affiliate links

We do publish content from time to time that includes affiliate links from Amazon.com or other online retailers. If an individual chooses to click on the link included in the article a small percentage of the money you spend if you choose to purchase the product goes to Ladders. 

Affiliate links are a common practice in publishing and in no way has sway over our editorial reporting or standards. 

If Ladders News does create sponsored content it will be clearly designated as so and identified as “sponsored” or “dedicated.”

Health and medical reporting

Though we are not a specialized health site Ladders News does cover medical and health news, usually from peer-reviewed medical journals. With these articles our writers and editors seek out the most reliable and recent information on medical conditions, symptoms and treatment to make sure the news is medically and pharmacologically accurate. 

In all of these articles Ladders reports are completely transparent about the sources and any experts featured in these pieces, especially if they have a brand affiliation or conflict of interest. All pieces that fall under this category include citations to studies referenced in the piece.

Updates to articles

In this ever-changing world, the Ladders News staff wants to keep our readers as up to date and informed as possible. That is why articles may be updated after the initial date and time of publication to include new comments from sources, new research, information, products, or releases.


Ladders News has a zero tolerance policy for any plagiarized work. 

Any writer or editor who is found to be guilty of plagiarizing will be terminated. All of their past work will be reviewed for similar incidents.

Corrections Policy

In order to uphold our Ladders News’ readers trust, if an error or publication of misinformation has occurred we need to address it. This is our system for these issues arising. 

  • Corrections to online articles should be submitted and approved by the editor
  • When a correction is made the editor is then responsible for making the necessary changes and alerting the social media team
  • Corrections should be made directly in the article, and text added at the bottom of the page should communicate what had to be changed
  • For a piece that contains plagiarism the article will either be taken down or rewritten with an editor’s note clarifying the events. 

Outside contributors

The majority of the content published on Ladders News is from outside contributors. Every freelancer signs a contract with Ladders News that include all the following policy standards listed above. They also instruct them on abstaining from conflicts of interest when writing for Ladders News.

Published by Ladders, Inc.

244 Fifth Ave, Suite D100

New York, NY 10001

Phone: (866) 800-4640