ENTP personality type: “The Visionary”

Are you an ENTP personality type? If you have ever been asked to take a personality test, odds are good that you were responding to a questionnaire designed to understand your Myers-Briggs Type. While there are many personality tests in use today, the Myer-Briggs Type remains one of the most popular around.

When you take this test, you’ll be provided with a four-letter synopsis of your personality. One such letter combination is the ENTP personality type.

Whether you recently found out you are an ENTP personality type, or you are working with someone who is and wish to understand that person better, this guide will help you uncover everything you need to know about ENTPs.

What is a personality type?

To gain a better understanding of what an ENTP personality type is, it is helpful to start with a basic understanding of the personality type classifications. Utilizing four categories, each represented by a letter, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator system categorizes people based on personality traits. This system was originally designed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers.

The two built the system based on Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung’s book Psychological Types. Looking for a way to simplify the complex ideologies found in this book, they came up with a ranking system, breaking apart personality traits into categories.

These four categories are intended to understand how people take in information, make decisions, interact with others, and ultimately, live their lives. With each category, there are two contrasting personality styles, ESTJ and INFP:

  • Extraversion versus Introversion
  • Sensing versus iNtution
  • Thinking versus Feeling
  • Judging versus Perceiving

In order to determine what letter to assign to a person from each category, individuals are asked to rank a series of statements about themselves. Statements include topics around how easily you make friends to how much you enjoy thinking about theoretical ideas.

Using a scale ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree, participants self-evaluate their behaviors and outlook on the world.

Compiling all of these responses together, a Myers-Briggs personality test then assigns a letter from each category, creating a personality profile. In some cases, the test may provide a percentage breakdown, showcasing how far a person leans toward one letter over the other.

“The Visionary”—Seeing the vision of an ENTP

An ENTP personality type is often referred to as “The Visionary.” This nickname is a reflection of the unique combination of personality traits that make up an ENTP personality type. In fact, ENTP personality types are one of the rarest, comprising only 3% of the total population.

What makes an ENTP personality type incredibly unique is the combination of their extraversion, intuition, thinking, and perceiving traits.

The extraversion of ENTPs refers to their outward focus in life. Extraverted individuals prefer to spend time around others and enjoy being the center of attention. They like to hash out problems in a group setting and often speak their ideas out loud to process their thoughts.

The intuition of an ENTP indicates how this personality type prefers to gather information. These individuals can see the big picture and enjoy contemplating the “what ifs” and “what could be.” They are comfortable in the theoretical, imaginative realm.

What makes ENTPs unique is that paired with this extraversion and intuition is their thinking trait. Thinking refers to how ENTP personality types prefer to make a decision. While ENTPs can explore the imaginative realm, when decision-making time rolls around, they prefer to rely on logic and facts.

Rounding out ENTPs is their perceiving trait. Those with a perceiving personality trait are not afraid of improvisation. They enjoy figuring things out as they go and believe that not all rules are worth following. This is where the ENTP personality type shines as an innovator. An ENTP individual will be ready to see the vision for new solutions.

The strengths of an ENTP personality type in the workplace

ENTP personality types can provide a unique perspective in the workplace. The following are all strengths that they might bring to the table:

  • Determination: With their eye on the big picture and their ability to break norms, ENTPs will meet challenges with determination. They are not afraid of failing and remain confident in the face of criticism and adversity.
  • Problem-solving: When a complex issue arises, ENTP personality types are ready to meet it with fresh ideas. Combining their strong logical skills with their desire to operate outside of the box, ENTPs will provide powerful ideas for difficult problems. In the workplace, ENTPs will often become the go-to for thinking of new strategies.
  • Rallying the team: With their extroverted personality, ENTP individuals are good at influencing others and expressing their ideas to the team. They offer a good blend of listening to others while being capable of persuading others to follow their lead.
  • Envisioning the big picture: Not one to get hung up on the nitty-gritty details, ENTP personality types will help keep everyone’s vision on the big picture. With their apt nickname of “the visionary,” they can help drive a business forward toward big-picture goals.

The weaknesses of an ENTP personality type in the workplace

While ENTP personality types can provide an incredible number of benefits to any workplace, there are certain weaknesses they must watch out for, including the following:

  • Glazing past the details: The very strength that makes ENTP personality types incredibly talented at seeing the big-picture can make them forget important day-to-day details. ENTP personality types often struggle with remembering daily tasks and keeping up with the more mundane side of a job role.
  • Jumping from thought to thought: With their ability to push boundaries and envision new ideas, ENTP personality types sometimes struggle with sticking to one thing. In this way, their greatest strength as a visionary can also be their biggest downfall. They may find it challenging to remain on one task for a long period of time.
  • Operating outside of the box: What can be a strength in some settings can also be a weakness in others. For ENTP personality types, working within an extremely structured and rule-based system is not an ideal fit. They will push against the bounds, which can be difficult for those who prefer things to follow a strict pattern.

As always, remember that with any personality type a set of letters can only give you a limited amount of information. For some people who operate on the extremes of the Myers-Briggs Types, the results of the test will be highly accurate, pinpointing their behaviors to an almost eerie level.

For others, who fall closer to the center of each category, the results may feel less definite. Additionally, for personalities of any kind, there is always the chance to grow and change, leaning on strengths and overcoming weaknesses. That is why it is important for those in management roles to understand their employees and work with them to grow professionally and personally.

Check out:

ENTJ personality type: The traits of a born leader
INTP personality type: Traits of the “Thinker”
ISFJ personality type: “The Defender”