4 undeniable ways to get the recruiter’s notice in 2021

Today, for every job application, 250+ applicants are vying for the same job. To say you need to get noticed is an understatement. Most of the resumes employers receive end up in the trash.

That’s probably not where you want to end up, so you need to find ways to get noticed fast. Standing out from the crowd will get your resume passed along to the right people and make your phone ring with offers for interviews.

So how do you get noticed? Here are the top ways to get the recruiter to notice you.

Create a brand

Brands aren’t just for products – they are for people too. Figure out what you stand for and what you want others to think of you and brand it.

Use this brand on your LinkedIn page, resume, and any other communications with potential employers. Create a slogan or two-line statement that sums up what you’re all about. Employers have mere seconds to glance at what you send when you apply for a job, so make your slogan short, sweet, and to the point to get their attention.

You can even go as far as making it your signature line on your emails or a line on your business cards. Anytime you communicate with someone new, they’ll see the slogan and get an idea of what you’re all about.

Be a social media prowess

Every time you apply for a job, you can guarantee the potential employer will stalk your social media if they’re interested in you. Now’s the time to brush up on that social media profile and make your page look professional.

Even your personal pages should paint a picture that makes employers want to learn more about you. Whether you volunteer, have a passion for a specific non-profit, or you’re a triathlon athlete – paint the picture of a wholesome human being that could bring value to their company to stand out.

Create an elevator pitch

An elevator pitch is a quick speech (two minutes or less) about yourself. You’re pitching your strengths to anyone who will listen. It could be a potential employer, your network, or even your co-workers.

Practice your elevator pitch as much as possible. You never know when you’ll need it, even at social events or career fairs. It should seem natural and endearing to get the attention on you. 

Keep track of your accomplishments

When you’re trying to get noticed, it’s okay to boast. But what will you boast about? Keep a running list of your accomplishments, both small and large. Write down the role you played and how it’s helped mold you into who you are today.

It’s okay to boast about these accomplishments on your social media pages, too, especially on LinkedIn, where potential employers may find you before you’re even looking for a job.

2021 is the year to stand out. Don’t hide behind a screen and let someone else take the credit. It’s the year to embrace who you are and what you’re capable of accomplishing. When you apply for a job, you’ll be among a sea of hundreds of others. Don’t let anyone else take the spotlight – but you’ll need to earn that spot if you want it.