Everyone had their dream jobs while growing up. Some wanted to become professional athletes while others maybe wanted to be astronauts, but most wanted to be a teacher, according to a new survey.
Customer-relations website Moneypenny found that being a teacher was the most popular profession that people wanted to be growing up, finding that it was the most common dream profession by kids in 17 states. Being a teacher was most popular in the midwest and south for kids growing up, according to the survey.
Helping others was a common dream profession for youngsters. Being either a doctor or veterinarian tied for second (eight states each), while three states said being a lawyer was their dream job.
While becoming a teacher might have been a dream for many, the percentage of who actually became one was staggering low. Fewer than 20% of respondents actually went on to become teachers, which was a similar trend throughout most dream jobs. Seventeen percent of kids who dreamt of becoming nurses went on to do that, while just 2% became actors or actress and less than 1% went on to become astronauts.
Becoming a doctor was the most wanted profession for kids in the west growing up, as was veterinarians for those who resided in the northeast.