Survey: 35% of employees think their workplace favors this generation above all others

“Generations haven’t become part of the conversation, generations have become the conversation at work,” said Professor Leah Georges at a TedX talk about generational stereotypes earlier this year.

Stories of Millennials vs. Boomers in the workplace are a staple of everyone’s media diet, but how true are they? Staffing and placement services provider Addison Group surveyed 1,000 workers about generational stereotypes at work and how the five generations get along.

For the most part, it seems there is peace at work when it comes to the age issue: the vast majority (86%) agreed that employees in their age group were respected in the workplace, and nearly 80% of respondents said they would take a job where most employees weren’t their age.

However, a startling 35% of respondents believe their workplace’s culture and procedures favor one generation over others.

A full 45% of respondents believe that Millennials are the subjects of that favoritism, while 35% believe it’s Gen X, and just 13% think it’s Baby Boomers.

Other findings

  • Generation Z might be young, but they’re already fierce negotiators. Of all generations, they negotiated the most frequently: 44% bargained with their employers in the last year. (Millennials were right behind them, at 41%. Only 33% of Gen X negotiated with their employers in the last year, followed by 19% of Baby Boomers).
  • Female Baby Boomers were found to be 50% more likely to negotiate than Male Baby Boomers.
  • Millennials are the unhappiest with their pay: a third feel that they’re underpaid.

What drives each generation to work?

  • Gen Z: Work-life balance (64%)
  • Millennials: Salary (62%)
  • Gen X: The work I do (63%)
  • Baby Boomers: The work I do (67%)