Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc
Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc

Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc

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Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc Careers, Jobs, and Salary Information

Find High Paying Jobs and Compensation Information at Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc

Lincoln Electric is a global manufacturer and the market leader of the highest quality welding, cutting and joining products. The company has a strong focus on research and development, and has been responsible for many of the innovations that have revolutionized the welding industry. Lincoln Electric has a strong commitment to sustainability and has been recognized for its efforts in this area. The company has a presence in over 160 countries and has a reputation for providing excellent customer service.


Market Cap$8.3 billion
Revenue$2.6 billion
5 Year Trendarrow trend up+7.3%
Net Income$206.1 million
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Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc Compensation

Control Systems Engineer



Average Compensation:$90,269

Controls Engineer



Average Compensation:$93,179

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