Traeger Grills
Traeger Grills

Traeger Grills

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Traeger Grills Careers, Jobs, and Salary Information

Find High Paying Jobs and Compensation Information at Traeger Grills

Traeger Grills is a manufacturer of wood pellet grills and related accessories. The company was founded in 1985 and is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah. Traeger Grills offers a wide range of products, including grills, smokers, and accessories, that are designed to provide a unique and flavorful cooking experience. The company has a strong focus on innovation and uses the latest technologies to deliver high-quality products to its customers. Traeger Grills is committed to sustainability and sources its wood pellets from renewable forests.


Revenue$100 million
5 Year Trendarrow trend up+20%
Net Income$10 million
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