TimkenSteel Corporation
TimkenSteel Corporation

TimkenSteel Corporation

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TimkenSteel Corporation Careers, Jobs, and Salary Information

Find High Paying Jobs and Compensation Information at TimkenSteel Corporation

TimkenSteel Corporation is a manufacturer of alloy steel, as well as carbon and micro-alloy steel. The company produces carbon steel billets, bars, tubing, and seamless mechanical tubing, as well as alloy steel bars and tubing. TimkenSteel also offers value-added services such as thermal treatment, machining, and testing. The company serves customers in the energy, industrial, automotive, and aerospace industries. TimkenSteel was spun off from The Timken Company in 2014 and is headquartered in Canton, Ohio.


Market Cap$795.6 million
Revenue$830.8 million
5 Year Trendarrow trend up+8.1%
Net Income-$61.9 million
pie chartAnnual Report
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