There are a zillion ways to go wrong over email and in conversation at work, so it would only make sense for there to be a bunch of ways to mess up your resume as well. Buckle up.
Simply Hired surveyed more than 850 current and former hiring managers in the U.S., showing that the most popular way to ruin your resume is by having “a few or more grammatical errors” in the mix, at 84%.
While we’re here, this is what else you should avoid…
- “A few or more spelling errors” (82%)
- “Fabrication or invention” (82%)
- Missing “employment history” (68%)
- “Inappropriate font” (67%)
- “One or two spelling errors” (60%)
- “One or two grammatical errors” (57%)
- “A resume three pages or longer” (55%)
- “Colored font” (53%)
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Do this on your resume instead
But the research also included four things that current and former hiring managers actually like to see while looking over resumes.
- “A graduate degree” (81%)
- “A bachelor’s degree” (80%)
- “Having an area on the document for your skills” (71%)
- “Degree from an Ivy League school” (66%)
Since it only takes a recruiter six seconds to reject your resume, keeping yours in top shape might just give you more of a fighting chance at scoring the job.