The Numbers That Matter Most in Your Job Search

A by-the-numbers look at how you can improve your job search. 

You don’t need me to tell you that there’s a lot of job advice available on the web these days. A few clicks of the mouse, and you’re sure to find thousands of articles on every single job-search topic, from writing your resume to negotiating your salary. With so much information available at your fingertips, it can be difficult to know what to pay attention to. Below I’ve gathered some of the most solid job-hunt statistics around to help you develop an effective strategy for your search.


According to a social recruiting survey, 93 percent of recruiters admit to reviewing candidates’ social network profiles – regardless of whether the candidates gave them that information. Improve your online brand by deactivating or editing any outdated profiles, increasing the security settings on your personal accounts, and fleshing out at least one professional profile that aligns with your resume and supports your current job goals.


Recruiters only spend 20 percent of their time during a face-to-face interview making sure you have the required technical skills you discussed in your application. The other 80 percent is spent determining if you will be a good fit for the team. You could have the best skill set in the world, but if you won’t work well with the team, then you ultimately won’t be happy at the organization. Click on the following link to learn how to find the right cultural fit.


A study by Ladders found that your chances of getting a call back plummet 72 hours after the job is published online, even if you were considered a good fit for the job. If you find a job that you’re truly interested in and a good fit for, buckle down and get that application out as soon as possible. Use apps like Job Search by Ladders so you’re always viewing the freshest job listings.


Studies by CareerXroads and Jobvite have found you are ten times more likely to land the job when your job application is accompanied by an employee referral. This could be as simple as including an employee’s name in your online application or (better yet) having your contact at the company send your application directly to the recruiter or hiring manager on your behalf. Click on the following link for tips to expand your network.


During a research study, Ladders found that the average recruiter spends six seconds looking at your resume before deciding if it is worth a longer glance or should be chucked. You only get six seconds to make the right impression. Click on the following link to learn how to make those six seconds count.


Never rely on only one source to find all your job leads. Harness the power of three by using multiple job-search methods to find the most opportunities. This means: (1) applying to (and properly following up on) online job listings, (2) investing in your social and professional networks, and (3) engaging with recruiters. By incorporating all three methods into your search strategy, you will maximize the number of leads – published and unpublished – you can pursue.


Before your resume is passed along to a recruiter or HR professional, it first has to get past one, if not two different gatekeepers: (1) an electronic screen, known as an applicant tracking software, or ATS for short, and (2) a junior-level sourcer or coordinator. Click on the following link to learn how to craft a resume that will get past the gatekeepers and make it into the hiring manager’s hands.


One out of every three job searches is now conducted using a smartphone. As of 2013, one *billion* job searches were done per month on a mobile device. As job seekers, it’s important to embrace the mobile job search or get lost among the competition. Click on the following link to learn how to optimize your job search for the new age in recruiting.