Position Level
$80K *
The eDiscovery Specialist is responsible for the identification, preservation, collection, and analysis of data for eDiscovery and litigation requests. This role involves managing information requests...
1w ago
• Less than 5 years exp. • Legal & AccountingPROJECT MANAGER (Affordable Requirements Ordinance - ARO)
$86K *
The Project Manager for the Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO) oversees the implementation of affordable housing initiatives in coordination with market-rate developments. This role involves mana...
2w ago
• Less than 5 years exp. • Education, Government & Non-ProfitAGING/DISABILITY RESOURCE NETWORK MGR
$80K *
The Aging and Disability Resource Network Manager assists in managing and administering the network to ensure streamlined access to long-term services for older adults and individuals with disabilitie...
2w ago
• Less than 5 years exp. • Education, Government & Non-ProfitDIRECTOR OF PROGRAM OPERATIONS
$118K *
The Director of Program Operations is responsible for overseeing all immunization activities within the Immunization Services Division of the Health Protection Bureau. This role involves providing lea...
3w ago
• 5 - 7 years exp. • Healthcare