Senior DevOps Engineer

Ascent Technologies

$80K — $120K *

clock 4 weeks ago


5 - 7 years of experience

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Job Description

The creative mindbehind every project. Put your skills to the testto build solutions that continue to shape the world we live in.

About Us

We are Ascent! and we help our customers solve problems, elevate, and do existing things better. We are on a mission to help our customers connect data, software, and purpose to create extraordinary outcomes. You could say we are a digital transformation business.

We specialize in software product development, analytics, data science, IoT solutions, machine learning, DevOps optimization, and modernization of applications, data, and platforms.

We work with incredible clients in all types of industries such as smart home devices, space exploration, beer manufacturing, finance, ecology, and logistics. We work with some of the sharpest minds in the brightest businesses and we employ the sharpest minds too!

At Ascent, we also believe in fostering a vibrant office community where collaboration thrives and connections flourish. With our hybrid approach, we prioritize hiring individuals who reside in close proximity to our offices. Our aim is to cultivate a positive atmosphere and sense of belonging by facilitating easy access to the office.

About the role

As a DevOps Engineer at Ascent, you will be at the heart of the evolution of DevOps culture on a range of challenging and interesting customer projects. You'll join our team of DevOps experts, and work typically as part of a cross-functional team on customer projects, supporting their journey through digital transformation, or helping them do existing things in a much better way.

Skills and qualifications
  • Required:AzureAdministratororDeveloperAssociate(AZ-104orAZ-204),AzureDevOpsEngineerExpert(AZ-400),Bonus:CertifiedKubernetesAdministrator(CKA),TerraformAssociate.
  • ExcellentverbalandwrittencommunicationandpresentationskillssuitableforSenior level,cloudengineeringandarchitecturestakeholdermeetings.
  • Abilitytofacilitatetheprocessofgatheringrequirementsandpresentingandexplainingalternativecloudinfrastructurearchitectureandconfigurationoptions.
  • Keenfocusoncustomerserviceandanunderstandingoftherelationshipbetweentechnologysolutionsandbusinessvalue.
  • Understandingofsoftwareanddataengineeringtechnologies,practices,andprocesses,inparticularthecommoninfrastructureandarchitecturalpatternswhichunderpinthesetypesofenvironments.
  • 5+yearsofexperienceworkingineitheradevelopmentoroperationalrolewithatleast2yearsrecentexperienceofworkinginaDevOpscapacity.Exposuretodeveloping,deploying,andmanagingapplicationplatformsonMicrosoftAzureandKubernetes,andworkingwithinAgileteams.
  • 3+yearsofdeepworkingknowledgeofMicrosoftAzurePaaStechnologiesincludingAzureAppServices,SQLDatabase,StorageAccounts,andintegrationservicessuchasServiceBus.GoodunderstandingofAzurenetworkingincludingAzureprivatelinkandhybridconnectivityservices.
  • 3+yearsofexperienceanddeepworkingknowledgeofinfrastructureascodetechnologiesincludingTerraformandAzureBiceporPulumi.Experiencewithdeveloping,deploying,andmanaginglarge-scaleplatformsusingacode-firstapproach.
  • 3+yearsofexperienceofanddeepworkingknowledgeofversioncontrolandautomationplatformssuchasAzureDevOpsand/orGitHub,includingdevelopmentofautomationpipelinesforinfrastructureandapplications.
  • 3+yearsofexperiencewithscriptinglanguagesincludingBashandPowerShell,particularlyinconjunctionwiththeAzureCLI,andAzurePowerShell.
  • 2+yearsofexperiencewithKubernetesandCloudNativeprojects,particularlyAzureKubernetesServiceorAzureContainerApps.

Working at Ascent

At Ascent we promote a healthy work-life balance by offering flexibility in where you work. We also promote well-being and provide access to Well Being Coaches.

Your development and learning will be taken seriously, and we'll support your professional development with training and certification, with regular feedback and review. It is a fun, supportive and modern workplace where we really live by our company values of Empathy, Energy and Audacity! Ascent also offers a variety of benefits in each of our countries.

Ascent is an equal opportunities employer. We take intentional steps to ensure inclusion and belonging are something real here, not just something we talk about. No person will be treated less favourably because of their gender, pregnancy, and maternity status, marital or civil partnership status, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, age, religion or belief, or disability status. If you require any reasonable accommodation, please let us know when you apply.

For more details about life at Ascent, check out our Life Page here.
Ascent Technologies is a financial technology company that provides regulatory compliance solutions for financial institutions. The company's platform uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to help financial firms comply with regulations and reduce risk. Ascent Technologies was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
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