
Deputy Sheriff I (POST Academy Graduate)

County of Alameda

$75K — $97K *

clock More than 3 months ago


Experience:Not Specified

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Job Description


*Effective August 9, 2020, paid incrementally over 4 years

THIS IS A NEW CONTINUOUS EXAMINATION. The eligible list resulting from this examination will cancel any existing list and may last approximately one year but can be extended. This examination may be reopened as necessary, and the names of additional candidates merged onto the existing list according to examination score.

Supplemental Questionnaire: A properly completed Supplemental Questionnaire must be submitted with each application. Failure to submit the Application or Supplemental Questionnaire will result in disqualification.

Applications and Supplemental Questionnaires must be in the possession of the Human Resource Services Department by 5:00 p.m. on the Last Day for Filing. Applications and supplemental questionnaires will only be accepted on-line.

This is a continuous filing exam with filing deadlines on the first Friday of each month.


Veterans who pass the examination process and provide a DD214 that meets the County's criteria will receive additional points added to their final overall score.

If you have previously applied or started an application for the Deputy Sheriff I (POST Academy Graduate), Examination #23-8602-01, please contact the examination analyst, Elaine Lemi, at [redacted] to reapply. In order to reapply, you must contact the analyst to have your previous application released back to you. DO NOT SUBMIT A DUPLICATE APPLICATION. The scores and dispositions of candidates for this examination will be merged with previous exam participants. If you previously submitted an application and choose to reapply, your new score/disposition will replace your current disposition. If you do not wish to change your score/disposition, you are not required to reapply to this examination. Candidates who received a qualifying score cannot participate in the examination within six (6) months of their disposition notice. Candidates who did not qualify may reapply sixty (60) days from their disposition notice. Candidates who failed any of the exam components (i.e., written, oral exam), may reapply sixty (60) days from the exam date.

Please read the announcement in its entirety for important dates and information.



The Alameda County Sheriff's Office is a full-service law enforcement agency accredited through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) for its law enforcement services, its Regional Training Center, and its Dispatch Unit; the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors Laboratory Accreditation Board for its Crime Lab; the Bomb Squad Commanders Advisory Board for its Explosive Ordinance Unit. Additionally, the agency's health care provider, Wellpath, has experience working with the National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC).

The Sheriff's Office has a current budget of approximately $600 million and has over 1600 authorized positions, including in excess of 1000 sworn personnel. The agency's Chief Executive Officer is Sheriff / Coroner Yesenia L. Sanchez, who is assisted in the operation of the agency by Undersheriff April Luckett-Fahimi, Assistant Sheriffs Emmanuel Christy, and Daniel McNaughton.

The Sheriff of Alameda County is responsible for a vast array of tasks and duties, including the following:

  • Providing security to the Consolidated Superior Courts
  • Operating the Coroner's Bureau
  • Operating full-service criminalistics laboratory
  • Performing Civil Process
  • Operating a County Jail (Santa Rita)
  • Operating the County Office of Emergency Services
  • Providing patrol and investigative services to the unincorporated areas of Alameda County
  • Pursuant to contractual agreements, providing patrol and investigative services to the City of Dublin, Oakland International Airport, Highland County Hospital, Social Services, and to the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District
  • Conducting a basic academy pursuant to Police Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) requirements. [Sheriff's Academy website]
  • Providing Fish and Game enforcement
  • Project Director of the Narcotics Task Force
  • Serving as the Executive Director of the Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement (SAFE) Task Force
  • Operating a Marine Patrol Unit in the San Francisco Bay waters.

For more detailed information about the agency, visit: Alameda County's Sheriff's Office.


Deputy Sheriffs, under general supervision at the higher level (Deputy Sheriff II), and close supervision at the lower level (Deputy Sheriff I), supervise the work and conduct of inmates in a county correctional institution; patrol an area and enforce law and order; receive and serve civil process; maintain order in courts; assist with special investigations; investigates circumstances surrounding death in cases referred to Coroner; under direction, coordinate emergency services programs and volunteer activities; and do related work as required.

For more detailed information about the job classification, visit: Deputy Sheriff I (#8602).



Current enrollment in a California Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) certified Basic Academy, with successful completion of the academy by the time of appointment.


Successful completion of a California POST certified Basic academy within three (3) years of application date and possession of a POST Basic Law Enforcement certificate or proof of attendance of a California POST Requalification Course.



Valid California State Motor Vehicle Operator's license.


Must be at least 21 years of age at time of appointment.


Candidates are not required to be a US citizen but must be legally authorized to work in the United States under federal law. (SB 960).

Special Requirement:

Federal law and County policy requires that certain positions in the classification of Deputy Sheriff I, which require a commercial driver's license and the performance of duties defined as "safety sensitive" are subject to post-offer/pre-placement/pre-duty, reasonable suspicion, post-accident, random, return-to-duty and follow-up drug and alcohol testing.

A thorough background investigation will be made of all prospective Deputy Sheriffs. A record of any felony conviction will result in disqualification.

Physical Requirement:

Hearing must be normal in each ear.

Using both eyes must have far vision of at least 20/100 without glasses, correctable to 20/20 with glasses. Must be free from color blindness and permanent abnormality in either eye.

These standards are confined to far vision and color vision. There are additional standards which may apply to other possible specific visual deficiencies.

Applicants must be in excellent physical condition with above average strength, endurance, and agility and must meet California POST approved safety member physical standards.

NOTE: The Civil Service Commission may modify the above Minimum Qualifications in the announcement of an examination.


The most suitably qualified candidates will possess the following competencies:

Ability to:

  • Read, understand, interpret and apply department policies, rules, laws, and ordinances pertaining to law enforcement work.
  • Write clear, concise comprehensive reports.
  • Accurately observe and remember names, faces, numbers, and events.
  • Establish and maintain effective working relations with others.
  • Exert physical force in the apprehension of suspects and in the saving of lives and property.
  • Use good judgment in emergency or critical situations.
  • Identify and address issues, problems, and opportunities.
  • Interact with others in a way that gives them confidence in one's intentions.
  • Work effectively even when under stress or experiencing conflict.
  • Communicate clearly and concisely verbally and in writing.
  • Perform routine clerical and record keeping duties.
  • Quickly learn and apply the rules, procedures, laws, and regulations relevant to the work.



Applicants must complete the Physical Abilities Test (PAT)/Work Sample Test Battery (WSTB). The acceptable pass point for the PAT/WSTB is 320. Valid WSTB scores must be on the agency's letterhead and reflect the date of the test. Scores are valid for one year from the test date. Valid PAT/WSTB scores must be submitted to the recruitment analyst, Elaine Lemi, at [redacted].

In order to be invited to the oral examination, applicants must submit a WSTB score. Failure to submit a valid WSTB score will prevent candidates from moving forward in the recruitment process.

Applicants who have not taken the WSTB exam may take the exam with the Alameda County Sheriff's Office. To view upcoming test dates and register, please visit: PELLETB and PAT/WSTB Test Registration. Pick "PAT/WSTB" from the drop-down menu.

1) A review of applications and supplemental questionnaire to verify possession of minimum requirements. Those applicants who possess the minimum requirements for the class will move on to the next step in the examination process. *

2) An Oral Examination which will be weighted as 100% of the applicant's final examination score.

3) A thorough Background Investigation and Psychological Examination will be made of all prospective Deputy Sheriffs. A record of any felony conviction will result in disqualification.

*Applicants must submit a valid PAT/WSTB score in order to move forward in the recruitment process.


Alameda County utilizes a Civil Service Selection System founded on merit. Such a system is competitive and based on broad recruitment efforts and equal opportunity for qualified applicants to test in an examination process designed to determine the qualifications, fitness and ability of competitors to perform duties of the vacant position. Many of our recruitments are targeted and specific to the needs of a current vacant position, in which case, the eligible list may be exclusively used for that current vacant position. Other recruitments may be more broadly used for both current and future vacancies, or for other alternate jobs with comparable scopes of work.

For more information on the Civil Service Selection process, please visit the "What You Need to Know" section of our website,

Selection Plan

Applicants will be informed via e-mail with reasonable notice in advance of any examination process which will require their attendance. The following dates are tentative and subject to change based on the needs of the Agency:

TENTATIVE SELECTION PLAN - For applications submitted by the April 5, 2024*, filing deadline.

Deadline for Filing:


Review of Applications and Supplemental Questionnaires for Minimum Qualification:


Oral Exam

*Week of April 29, 2024

*Updated 3/4/2024

Continuous: We will accept applications during this period. All applications must be completed according to the instructions. Incomplete applications, and resumes in lieu of properly completed applications, will not be considered. Applications and supplemental questionnaires will only be accepted electronically, via the County's online application system by 5pm on the deadline for filing. Please note that completing an application template is not the same as submitting an application for this position. To apply for the position, select the "Click Here to Apply" link on the announcement.

IMPORTANT: In addition to a completed application, applicants must submit a valid PAT/WSTB score in order to move forward in the recruitment process. PAT/WSTB scores must be submitted to the recruitment analyst, Elaine Lemi, at

Veterans' Preference
Each applicant entitled to veterans' preference as provided in the Alameda County Civil Service Rules who has served in the armed forces of the United States during a war or campaign as defined by Section 1897 of the Government Code of the State of California and who has been discharged or released under honorable conditions and wishes to claim such preference shall do so by presenting proof of his/her honorable discharge (DD214) from the armed forces of the United States, showing the dates of his/her military service. Each applicant entitled to Disabled Veterans' points as provided in the Alameda County Civil Service Rules, who wishes to claim such preference shall additionally present proof of military-connected disability from the United States Veterans Administration.

U.S. military veterans (including applicants already employed by the County of Alameda) intending to claim preferential consideration pursuant to Alameda County Civil Service Rules must present proof of honorable discharge or release (DD Form 214) concurrent with this application but in no event later than the final step in the recruitment process (usually the oral interview.)

To claim veteran's preference, proof must be presented during check in on the date of the applicant's scheduled oral interview. Failure to submit proof by this date will forfeit the applicant's claim to veterans' preference in such examination.

Applicants will be required to present a valid photo I.D. for admittance to each phase of the examination, i.e., driver's license, military I.D., Passport, or California Department of Motor Vehicle's I.D. card.

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