Mission or Goal of Unit: The Department of Psychiatry at VirginiaCommonwealth University has a mission to improve the mental health of individuals and families throughclinical care, research, education and public awareness.
Chief Purpose of the Position:The Department of Psychiatry in collaboration with Massey Cancer Center and Children's Hospital of Richmond is seeking a research focused candidate as a senior faculty member in its Child and Adolescent Psychology Division. The Psychologist will be expected to primarily conduct research and research related activities that focus on pediatric, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivorship, identifying factors related to the development in patients transitioning off active cancer treatment, and developing culturally relevant interventions to optimize survivorship. The Psychologist will also be responsible for teaching/supervising students/trainees within multiple programs, leadership in the implementation and evaluation of evidence-based treatments, and other scholarly activities.
Required Qualifications:- PhD or equivalent with training in clinical psychology
- Research interest and extensive experience focused on pediatric, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivorship
- A clear research agenda and a significant potential for external funding, and potential for scholarship or creative expression to complement and expand existing expertise in the department and School of Medicine
- A track record of accepted peer-reviewed publications, book chapters, and/or conference presentations at scientific meetings
- Ability to work as member of an interdisciplinary team
- Demonstrated track record in collaborating with colleagues with expertise in a range of disciplines
- Experience working directly with regulatory bodies such as the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Ability to present and describe research focus/interest and develop multi-year research target and plan.
- Demonstrated experience working in and fostering a diverse faculty, staff, and student environment or commitment to do so as a faculty member at VCU
Preferred Qualifications: - Extensive history of federally funded research, grant submissions, and/or other scholarly work (publications/presentations)
- Experience as a clinical supervisor and/or teacher/mentor
- Virginia licensed or eligible, as a clinical psychologist
- Significant experience in providing evidence-based research and clinical studies involving pediatric, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivorship, health care disparities and intervention development
Application Process:To apply, please include a diversity statement, letter of interest and CV
Virginia Commonwealth University is an equalopportunity, affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, veterans, andpersons with disabilities are encouraged to apply
Position Type: Teaching & Research Faculty
Full time equivalent: 100
Tenure: Open
Rank: Open
Months: 12
Department:Psychiatry/ School of Medicine
Salary: Commensurate with experience
Restricted position: Yes
ORP Eligibility: Yes
Contact Information:Contact Name: Tammy Beltz
Contact Email:Contact Phone: