How to Recession-Proof Your Career and Save A Small Fortune on Resume Distribution…

It’s time again to set our sights on the year ahead, folks, and going into 2005 we’ve got a juicy new issue to start you off right.

To springload all your resolutions we’ve been burning our midnight oil to hand you the choicest 4,149 executive job leads anywhere – our biggest week ever.

We’ve upgraded our design and sorting tools to make looking for your next big role that much easier on your strained eyes and over-moused hands.

And I’m tremendously excited about all the amazing new tools, services, and – best of all – ever-more jobs we’ll be bringing you over these next months.

We’ll be running “Jobs Accepted” next week, but in the meantime, warm and fuzzy congratulations to all of you who let us know you landed a huge opportunity while the rest of us were reveling in holiday sentiment. Here’s to powerful new beginnings!